Our Christmas Card


Happy Wednesday! With all this snow I just can’t seem to take down our decorations and accept that Christmas has come and gone (man that was fast!). So in a last ditch effort to close this holiday door I wanted to post our Christmas card. If we missed you this year send us your address, we’d love to include you on our mailing list! Happy New Year Everyone!

1 thought on “Our Christmas Card”

  1. So I don’t know why it took me this long, but I just found your webstite and blog today.. and I must say you two do a fabulous job! As I knew you would! I find myself bored often at work and now I can keep up with you too via your blog! You two look awesome! And I hope to see you soon! Paul is running in the Music Half Marathon in Nashville.. didn’t know if Beau would be running in it too! Love you both!


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