Been There, Done That.


So, I know its February and all (where is this year going already?!) but I wanted to give a major shout out to my BFF, partner in crime and hubby Beau!
Many of you know that Beau turned the big 3-0 in 2009. As the second decade of his life came to a close he made it a goal to run his very first marathon by the end of the year! In April of last year he joined thousands of fellow runners in Nashville for the Country Music Marathon (while also raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in Chattanooga) and successfully completed his first half marathon–well on his way!

Dum Dum Dummmmm! Drum Roll please…..This past December, a mere 4 days before Christmas, Beau rocked his first full marathon in Jacksonville, FL! I am so proud of him, words don’t do it justice. Two of Beau’s strengths are his focus and determination. He is a crazy good planner that knows how to reach his milestones, one step at a time. Marathons are a great fit for him (unfortunately my old knees won’t be doing any 26.2 runs in this life) and I can’t wait to celebrate with him on his next big race! Congrats Babe–you do me proud!

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Mile 20–so happy that my family could join me in cheering him on!

Don’t worry, the beard was finally ditched the day after his race–whew! 🙂


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