What’s Shakin’!

What a wonderful start to 2011 it’s been–both at the Moffatt house and in the DMP offices.

In the office we are rockin’ and rollin’. We kicked off the new year by introducing our Photo Walls and have had a great response. We are also booking up for 2011/ 2012 and I’m so excited about all of the incredible couples that we are going to be working with! We’ve had a date open up recently and I wanted to post a few other openings that we still have for this upcoming spring and summer season–give us a shout if you are in need of wedding photography for any of the dates below or beyond, we would love to meet you!

April 23
May 7
May 28
June 11
June 18
July 9
August 6 (recently available)
September 3

Personally, we are also starting to dip our toes into exploring our next major home project…our scary (and rather dreadful!) kitchen is due for a renovation! I’ll post some before and after pics to give you a peek into all of the craziness (or follow us on facebook here) until then let’s just say that old black tile counters, peeling green cabinets and leaky refrigerators are soooo not hot. New bright kitchen here we come!
I’ve scoured fellow sites and I’m liking this…

Gilligan traditional kitchen

or this…

KitchenLab traditional kitchen

or definitely loving some version of this… 🙂

San Jose Res 2 traditional

So what do you think?

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