summer wedding | Hailey + Andrew


I KNEW Hailey and Andrew were going to be a wonderful couples to work with when we were discussing the details of their summer wedding day. “Simple, rustic feel…almost summer picnic-esque. Lots of wildflowers, great summer fruits and veggies, good wine, etc… a celebration of summer…” The vision that Hailey painted for me immediately reminded me of the garden party scene from my all time favorite movie, Chocolat (if you haven’t seen it do yourself a favor and please do so now! Go ahead, I’ll wait…). I casually mentioned this scene to Hailey and she lit up–it was one of her favorite movies too which made me love her even more lol! Southerly Flower Farm helped deliver their vision flawlessly.

We had a great time planning their day and thankfully this season of Covid didn’t force them to reschedule their original date. Their fearless leader, Kate Harper with Harper Event Company, made everything so smooth as they adjusted their plans to best serve and protect their guests. I especially loved that their intimate summer wedding reception was held just a block or two from their church (St. Luke’s Episcopal Church) at the famous Cafe Roma. They were able to relax and walk to their party, enjoying the evening and even sharing first dances at Cleveland’s downtown pavilion. Seriously, can their wedding be any more beautiful or relaxed?!

Thank you for inviting our team to capture your sweet day Hailey and Andrew–we’re so happy for you guys and I can’t wait to share more soon! XO!

2 thoughts on “summer wedding | Hailey + Andrew”

  1. Love this, beautiful couple! I have known the Johnston family forever and remember when Hailey was born, seeing these photos and the beautiful woman she has become plus her handsome Andrew are priceless!


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