Our Hearts are Overflowing | Full Hearts

If I may, I’d love to share a little bit of our hearts with you guys.

You see, over the years Beau and I have dreamed, prayed, and hoped to start a family. This summer we’ll be married for 12 years (wowza!) but we began our journey through infertility 6 years ago. 6 long years.

Now let’s be real, our pup Nala will always have a spot as our firstborn, however we knew that we were called to be *people* parents as well. 😉 Even as I write this I am so amazed at the road we have been forced to travel. It was heartbreaking. And frustrating. Both physically and emotionally painful thanks to endometriosis, surgeries, miscarriages, and more. The days were long at times. But I’ve thought deeply about our journey and I truly wouldn’t trade it for the world.

You may have heard us talk about the importance of shoring up your marriage and working hard on your relationship. Marriage is one of the most profound commitments you’ll ever make and Beau and I will be the first to admit that absolutely no marriage is perfect (heck we bickered about folding laundry this morning! lol!). But the 6 year season we’ve walked through has granted us patience and forced us to look at who we want to be, both individually and as a couple.  After some very real conversations we both had a “Oh Duh” moment–we were not just “the infertile couple” that we had allowed ourselves to be labeled.

We are successful photographers and business owners.

We are Aunt Daisy and Uncle Beau to 4 brilliant nieces and 3 awesome nephews.

We are godparents.

We are involved in our community and proud of our friendships.

We are excited about health and wholeness.

I could go on and on. Needless to say that moment changed our outlook and while we were still wrestling with infertility we found a renewed passion for our futures.

So why am I sharing this now, you may ask? Because I believe that every one of you will walk through hard seasons. Not to be too poetic but it’s the beauty of life. And we see you; you are not alone. I encourage you to fight the weight of comparison that threatens your hope and know that this truly is a season. There is a beginning and an end. You will come out on the other side with scars and calloused hands, but the experiences you were forced to endure will give you countless opportunities to help those struggling behind you.

By God’s grace and favor our season ended 5 months ago with a tiny little miracle. So many mornings Beau and I have stared at each other over our coffee, incredulous that this was actually happening….we are really having a baby! With full hearts we are excited to announce that baby boy Moffatt is due to arrive this August (yay I secretly always wanted a summer baby)! We have been overwhelmed with the support and hugs and tears (and even loud shouting) from so many of you!! And to those who have quietly, and so graciously, given my belly the side eye, I’m happy to report that my curviness is no longer just from my love of Taco Tuesday (well mostly anyways). 😉

So cheers and join us as we #dancelikewearehavingababy!


A baby announcement idea with a baby announcement video including a dance party with Chattanooga photographers, Daisy Moffatt Photography. A baby announcement idea with a baby announcement video including a dance party with Chattanooga photographers, Daisy Moffatt Photography.  It's with full hearts that we celebrate!A baby announcement idea with a baby announcement video including a dance party with Chattanooga photographers, Daisy Moffatt Photography.  It's with full hearts that we celebrate!A baby announcement idea with a baby announcement video including a dance party with Chattanooga photographers, Daisy Moffatt Photography.  It's with full hearts that we celebrate!A baby announcement idea with a baby announcement video including a dance party with Chattanooga photographers, Daisy Moffatt Photography.  It's with full hearts that we celebrate!baby announcement idea, baby announcement video, dance party, chattanooga photographer, best photographer, wedding photographer, atlanta photographerbaby announcement idea, baby announcement video, dance party, chattanooga photographer, best photographer, wedding photographer, atlanta photographer

#dancelikewearehavingababybaby announcement idea, baby announcement video, dance party, chattanooga photographer, best photographer, wedding photographer, atlanta photographerbaby announcement idea, baby announcement video, full hearts, dance party, chattanooga photographer, best photographer, wedding photographer, atlanta photographerbaby announcement idea, baby announcement video, dance party, chattanooga photographer, full hearts, best photographer, wedding photographer, atlanta photographer

2 thoughts on “Our Hearts are Overflowing | Full Hearts”

  1. So happy for the two of you. No one deserves it more!! Too bad we don’t live closer or we could have baby bffs! 😉


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