Cindy & Craig | Elopement

Whenever a couple commissions us for their elopement my internal romance button lights up! 🙂 In my opinion elopements are amazing and Cindy and Craig proved this once more a few weeks ago. Originally from Florida they chose the hills of Tennessee for their destination elopement and we were excited to join them!

As we drove up to Grandview Mountain Cottages we first stopped in to say hello to owner Ilaeka. Her warm relaxed personality was reflected in every aspect of the properties. The gardens surrounding her pre-civil war home, the antique decor collected from around the world, the hand drawn maps showing the various paths and stage coach trails, and the view, oh the view, of their cozy B&B was just perfection!

Beau and I ventured out and soon found Cindy and Craig relaxing in their cottage, ready to begin their portrait session. We wandered the grounds, capturing some midday photos before their vows. They were cracking jokes, telling stories and teasing each other as we explored the property–seriously they’re hilarious together!

Around 5 pm that night, close friends Christal and Mike joined Cindy and Craig in the woods with Pastor Clyde Webb officiating. I couldn’t help but smile behind my camera as their emotion-filled vows filled the stillness of the forest. The sun sank behind the trees, the frogs and crickets voiced their approval, and Craig and Cindy committed their lives to one another on the mossy bank of a Tennessee pond.

Congratulations Craig and Cindy, you two are wonderful together and we wish many years of love!!



2 thoughts on “Cindy & Craig | Elopement”

  1. Congrats!!!! WOW, what wonderful news……
    To think that I was there at the very beginning….all I can say now is FINALLY!
    Seriously, I am so happy for you both and hope you will have many, many more years of happiness and dreams that come true!
    God Bless You Both!

  2. We were honored that Cindy & Craig chose the Honeysuckle Cottage for their honeymoon week and our fish pond for their ceremony! We so enjoyed meeting them and the time we spent with them. A truly delightful week for us and we wish them lots of joy and laughter in the year ahead and many returns visit our way! Hugs to you both from Ilaeka and Papa Phil


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