

Brooke and Edward’s intimate wedding at Our Lady of the Mount and reception at Easy Bistro were so full of fabulous color and eye-candy it made me wanna smack my mama (sorry mom)! 🙂 Overcast skies and the threat of rain gave simply gorgeous light and a terrific afternoon of urban photographs. Thanks to Divine Designs by Amanda and Monica’s Bridal for a job well done. And a HUGE thanks to Pam Newberry for her incredible wedding coordinating–fabulous as always! Congratulations Brooke and Edward!
chattanooga_wedding_photographer_3chattanooga_wedding_photographer_4A peek through their videographer’s viewfinder…chattanooga_wedding_photographer_5chattanooga_wedding_photographer_6chattanooga_wedding_photographer_7chattanooga_wedding_photographer_7chattanooga_wedding_photographer_8chattanooga_wedding_photographer_9Gorgeous couple!chattanooga_wedding_photographer_10chattanooga_wedding_photographer_11I LOVE LOVE modern decorating, wish my whole house could look like Easy Bistro! 🙂chattanooga_wedding_photographer_12chattanooga_wedding_photographer_13

1 thought on “Brooke+Edward”

  1. Daisy- how many ways can you say the word “AMAZING”? Your photos continue to amaze me! Your creativity is so apparent in every photo and I love your ‘eye’ for the perfect shot! What fun it was to work with you and Beau….


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