And the winner is… | Giveaway


We had such a great time with our Awesome Sauce giveaway and were so encouraged by everyone’s love and support as we launch into DMP’s next phase. Seriously you guys never cease to amaze us with your encouragement and enthusiasm!

So without further adieu–congratulations to Shibu Joseph for winning the grand prize of a full styled portrait session and a 16×20 canvas!

And because we had such an overwhelming response this weekend we decided to also draw a runner-up. A huge congratulations goes to Christina Broome, you won a mini session (for your mini-Broome!!).

We love working with Rafflecopter for our giveaways–check ’em out they rock! Especially because the thought of choosing the winner stressed me out more than a cat in a carwash. 🙂

Thanks again and cheer’s ya’ll!