Timber Rock Lodge | Leah + Zack


Timber Rock Lodge | Oneida, Tennessee

Two weeks ago at 6:30pm an instrumental rendition of “Rewrite The Stars” began to play softly and the sweet, intimate gathering of the couple’s dearest friends and family stood and turned to face the bride and her father as they glided down the aisle. 

Leah and Zack’s July wedding day was a seamless expression of love, commitment, and celebration. And as the day unfolded, every person I interacted with, including the bride, groom, wedding party, and family members, were all fully present in the moment – what a rare and beautiful experience!

From the old, new, borrowed, and blue to the sweetest gender reveal (the wedding cake!), each thoughtful detail pointed to the precious relationships surrounding them and to their story.

Leah and Zack, thank you for the honor of trusting me with documenting your day. Much love to you two three.

– Stephanie

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